
Never Worry About...

Knowing what's happening around you all the time
Discovering awesome unknown experiences in new locations
Questioning "What is there to do right now?"
Searching through multiple sites to find fun activities
Finding memorable and spontaneous experiences
Avoid anxiety when looking for unplanned adventures

What can I do right now?

Find spontaneous experiences from cafés, restaurants, bars & pubs, events & activities
coming soon...

How it works

Download our exceptional app
Then sign up and start finding countless daily activities
Simply head to your destination
Finally, enjoy your experience

Frequently Asked Questions

So, how much does all this cost?

Absolutely nothing! Our priority is to save you time and money

How do I get my spontaneous experience?

Click here to see how!

How do I pay?

1. Open the app
2. Enjoy your experience
3. Then pay after

How do I find my spontaneous experience?

1. Download our app on the Apple Store
2. Open the app 
3. Double check that your GPS is on
4. Select the 'experience filter' on the home page
5. We'll take care of the rest and find awesome experiences for you

Can I customize my experience?

Of course! Simply:
1. Open the app 
2. Visit the
3. Select the 'experience filter' and customize

What are the main benefits of using this app?

Know what unique and quality experiences are happening right now

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